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Hello CCNet,

Believe it or not, we are already halfway through 2024 - and what an eventful year it has been! This year has seen, among other things, the introduction of custom crops, constitutions and government types, diplomatic stances, political parties and textures for Sl...

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December 5th Town Rules Compliance

As announced on our Discord Server on September 3rd 2023, all towns must be fully compliant with all of our rules by December 5th 2023.

To help you prepare for this deadline, we are releasing a list of all towns that we are aware of that currently violate the rules.

All towns that are not in compliance will be forced into compliance whether that means regeneration of terrain or deletion of claims. 


Full town list available below/in this post.


Note that the below list will change rapidly while we learn more about each towns situation and make clarifications as to why towns are on this l...

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I'm happy to announce the release of our custom siege regions plugin, which introduces PvP siege regions to Nations. The wiki page for the plugin can be read here.

Naval and PvP sieges will now be referred to as assaults, and siege regions as assault regions.


General Changes

Assault regions are now owned by nations rather than individuals. To begin an assault, a nation member with the rank of general, co-leader or leader must enter an assault region during its attack time windows (/aregion info <region name>) and ...

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We're pleased to introduce siege statistics to Nations. Powered by a custom plugin that collects data during battle sessions, they are now available to view both in-game and on a dedicated website.



The new sieges website, sieges.ccnetmc.com, allows you to explore all siege records held by the server.


The home page lists all siege kills and can be fi...

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CCNet Rules Overhaul/Update

For the past few months, the staff team has been working on a comprehensive rules update to address many points of confusion in both the community and among staff. 

Today, we are publishing an overhaul to the Global rules, the Nations rules, we are adding rules to the Movecraft Creative server, and we have added better explanation to ensure that community expectations are clear. Please review them at https://www.ccnetmc.com/rules

Everyone needs to know this: The Global Rules have updated, you must read and comply with them in order to exist anywhere on CCNet, whether it be our website, Discord server, Minecraft server, or broader community.

Nations players should know ...

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