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The Canadian Times: Past to Present, War to Peace? (PtP part 2)
Tre_2020 Member
14 posts
11 topics
3 months ago

The Canadian Times: Past to Present, War to Peace?

(Past to Present Part 2 - Chapters 7-10)





Chapter 7:


The fight against that nation in the far North East corner of America continued for months and affected many major political shifts. At first, Vinovia, the Texan Nation (called Lone Star Republic at the time), and the Canadian Dominion teamed up together to fight against said nation. There was even a thought to merge Lone Star with Canadian Dominion but, due to political differences and propaganda, the dream swiftly fell apart. The propagandists took this fall to heart and eventually became enemies.

Vinovia, too, wanted to merge at one point but, due to their conflicts with Cultist Empire, the Canadian Dominion believed it would be a political mistake to choose Vinovia over Cultist. Despite this, they had drafted rather reasonable terms for the merge but this was not enough. They desired to be merged but independent at the same time- a rather pointless endeavor. So, Vinovia decided to, once again, become a headache. 

Vinovia attacked Fort Tertia, formerly known as Fort Evolution and drained the town right before daily tax collection, which caused the beloved fort to fall to ruin. By the time its mayor returned to reclaim the town, not only was everything already gone or destroyed, but he couldn’t reclaim the town due to some ridiculous cooldown. It’s because of both of these reasons that he decided to abandon the town altogether to resume his goals to form Tertia Olympia.




Chapter 8:


Alongside Imperium Romanum, China (now disbanded), Empire of Columbia, Inuit Empire (formerly known as Alaska, now disbanded), American Syndicate (now disbanded), and the Kingdom of Greenland, the Canadian Dominion joined an alliance called the Anti-Coalition Front (ACF) and formed a subsidiary more focused on North America and its neighbors called NATO. Along with the Texans, who changed their name to “American Empire”, Vinovia joined the coalition to fight against the ACF. The battle for the North waged on for months.

Meanwhile, what was formerly believed to be the greatest nation on CCNet, Cultist Empire underwent new management and a name change to Phoenix Empire and then to Cult of America. They refused to engage in any geopolitical conflict and remained neutral after their mega-alliance, Phoenix Federation, quietly fell apart. It’s no mystery that, if the Cult decided to engage once again, that Nation in the North East corner would have easily been crushed instead of this constant back and forth still raging on. It’s also no mystery that, if the Cultists had never been banned/took a break from CCNet, America would still be in their control and this conflict could have been avoided altogether.

Side note: there was once an Anti-Mega-Alliance Treaty with the nation, Elite Penguin Force (EPF) that insisted that its members do not join or start a mega-alliance (despite being a mega-alliance by definition). In exchange the members would help fight against the Coalition but, the EPF regularly refused to join the fight in America. So, seeing this Treaty as pointless and non-beneficial, the members of the ACF/NATO decided to move on. EPF then found their South African fort, Kang, attacked by the whole of the coalition and lost by a landslide. The battle over this fort continues to this day.




Chapter 9:


Through a series of non-aggression pacts, the primary enemy managed to render the majority of NATO passive. This seemingly put a stop to all wars in the far northern areas of America and basically disbanded NATO in a matter days. Meanwhile, the Texans made the “smart” move of making an enemy of Cultist (now called Caribbean Empire after its original leaders retired). Because of this, they continued to get sieged by Caribbean and lost over and over again. This led to their inevitable fall in October. The Texan nation then split between various coalition nations as it couldn't stand on its own anymore.

Side note: With some semblance of peace in effect and after quite some time of grinding for resources, Tre_2020 finally created Tertia Olympia on September 30th 2024 and printed the first and primary structure of the town, The Pantheon, on October 10th. Many of the other structures quickly followed even as wars raged on overseas...

With wars rising once again in October, the Alliance, which had once been disbanded, returned once again with Canada now in its high ranks to fight against their enemies. These battles, from forts to siege regions, which the Alliance won most of, resulted in the threat of war resuming in the Americas. This prompted greymesa and many Canadians to begin quickly prepping Nova Prospekt and, once the old siege base on Brigantia fell, reclaimed that as well. Occationally, Caribbean also joined the fight against the once-considered "good guys", coalition.

In the meantime, small issues occurred with petty road thieves from that one nation in the North East as well as with Greenland due to a long-standing fight between a Former American Syndicate leader and Greenlandic citizens. Since AS merged into Canada briefly, it was up to the leaders of Canada to ensure that peace between Greenland and Canada remained.




Chapter 10:


We fast forward to early November, election day. After all preparations were made for potential sieges, grey and Fake4, leader of that nation to the far North East of America, have just now both agreed to a non-aggression pact, concluding the War in the North... At least for now. Who knows how things will progress moving forward?




This has been Lord Tre_2020 of the Canadian Dominion! Have a good morning, good afternoon, and good night!