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I do not remember my registration password for my acct on CCnet.
JustBoris32 Member
3 posts
1 topics
over 2 years ago

Hi, I'm JustBoris32. I was once known by GauntCap5007670. I am looking for help from any mods, admins, or just anyone who knows how to resolve this issue.

I do not remember my password under that username, as I have not been on in a long time. If anyone can help me, please do. Hope someone sees this.

Also to note, I do not have discord, meaning I cannot access any form of discord application other than images.

Last edited: over 2 years ago
JustBoris32 Member
3 posts
1 topics
over 2 years ago

Seriously someone help me out here.

galacticwarrior9 Admin Member
23 posts
14 topics
over 2 years ago

Your password has been reset.

Please be aware that we do not generally check support requests on the forums; Discord is the main avenue for that. If you are unable to get Discord, be aware that the correct place on the forums to seek support is in the General Support category.


JustBoris32 Member
3 posts
1 topics
over 2 years ago

Thank you, comrade.