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Elpadrinho Member
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Registered:over 2 years ago
Last Seen:13 days ago
Profile Views:1028
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The reward could be:

The attacker who loses will pay the daily taxes for a week in the attacked city.

If the attacker wins, he can use the loot chest as in a siege war and dominate the province.

Experimental Plugin Dev Blog #7: Border Raids and Naval Battles 18 days ago

Project Name: Malung M-01 (Reference to Mestre Malunguinho who came to Brazil as a slave and managed to escape, murdering hundreds of crown soldiers, he disappeared in the green of the woods and was never arrested again)

Author: ElPadrinho_

Ship Design Registry Thread over 2 years ago

Nome do Projeto: Urutal U-01 (Baseado em uma ave brasileira que se camufla em troncos de árvores)

Autor: ELpadrinho_

Ship Design Registry Thread over 2 years ago