Name: S-2 Volkraken Submarine (Based off the Soviet Delta I-class submarine)
Owners: greymesa and PythoxMC
Japanese Military has permission to build but not share.
Name: S-2 Volkraken Submarine (Based off the Soviet Delta I-class submarine)
Owners: greymesa and PythoxMC
Japanese Military has permission to build but not share.
“The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.”
Ship name: Victory Class Aircraft Carrier
Owned by: lordbater
Nobody but lordbater has permission to sell or reproduce
Nome: Pandino (Dreadnought nordico)
Proprietari: xDarth_Fenerx e Rattlyy
Name: Prince of Ulster (Imperial Russian Navy Dreadnought)
Owners: Naezareth
Name: IRN Igor (Imperial Russian Navy Dreadnought)
Owner: ryuuichii
Russian Oligarchy has permissions to produce and maintain
Name: IRN Orlov (Imperial Russian Navy Destroyer)
Owner: ryuuichii
Russian Oligarchy has permissions to produce and maintain